Monday, March 2, 2020

February Gathering: What's Love Got To Do With It?

Hello Sisters

February being the month of Love we gathered together to discuss the love of God.   At our February 8th meeting we had Sister Deanna Freeman the 1st lady of Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church  1196 Penn St. Camden, NJ 08102  give a message asking the question, "What's Love Got To Do With It?"  (John 3:16). She encouraged us to let our love be perfected in Jesus Christ. Live in love as Jesus did. I think the big moment for me was when she encouraged the women to learn to receive love as well give love.

Mark 12:31 Tells us to love others as we love ourselves, but if you don't love yourselves, how can we love others? How can even receive love?  It was a blessing and a relief to know it's okay to receive as well as give. A great time was had by all.

Join us for our next event March 1, 2020 @ St. Paul Baptist Church Bradley and Kenwood Ave  Camden, NJ, 10 am- 12 noon. Our Theme is "March Madness" coming from Hebrews 13:8. 
Hmmm wondering how that fits? Come join us as iron sharpens irons.

Be blessed!

The Change Ministry Team:

Dir. Karen Crawley         
Secretary: Evangelist Susan Shine
Media Dir. Tracey Smith
Financial Secretary: Minnie Austin
Praise and Worship Leader: Choppy "Hadassah " Saunders

Simply Jesus

Hello my sisters,

I hope this blog finds you in good spirits. I know in this world we live in, so much is happening. We are living in a world of alternative facts.Truth is a lie and the lie is the truth. Our children are growing up and our parents are growing older. Maybe you are single trying to find your way. Newly married or about to get get married.  We still must take out time to meet with God in prayer, devotions or in the midst of sisterhood. We as women nurture everyone in our world without thought to ourselves. We sometimes forget we have a Heavenly Father who has given us peace through Jesus Christ (Acts 10:36). It's time to spend time with God.

Welcome to Change Ministry of St. Paul Baptist Church.  This ministry is for women ministering to other women through the word of God.  We meet every second  Saturday of the month. Our next meeting is February 8, 2020 @ 10 am. This year our theme is, "Simply Jesus". This is the time to remember John 3:16; knowing that Jesus paid the price for our iniquities and our transgressions.  So why do we live without hope sometimes?  Well, we forget and forfeit the peace we already  have when our minds stay on Jesus and His sacrifice of love.

So if you want to learn more and follow along with us as we learn from each other; subscribe to this blog. If you are in the area on the day of our meeting come in and help strengthen or be strengthen by your sisters in Christ. Iron sharpens Iron so come be sharpen and sharpen another (Proverb 27:17).

Walk with the King and be a blessing,

Change Ministry,

Dir. Karen Crawley           
Secretary: Evangelist Susan Shine
Media Dir. Tracey Smith
Financial Secretary: Minnie Austin
Praise and Worship Leader: Choppy "Hadassah " Saunders